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Short and sweet! This one was great for me to work on clear triple tonguing. Quite a lot of this etude is in the range where I find I have the most trouble with clear sound (D-F at the top of the staff) so that’s where I really focused my attention today. Haha FOCUSED- get it??

Stupid jokes aside, I’m really enjoying working my way through this book and have a giant stack of etudes waiting for me. See you tomorrow for another one!

I’ve been using this etude at the end of my warm-up for the last couple of days to check in with my flexibility. Lately I’ve been adding more harmonics practice in my routine, but today I skipped it and really noticed a difference in how all these octave leaps felt. The current Etude of the Week selections also have lots of big intervals, so it’s really nice to see everything working together in my practicing.

Thanks for listening, friends- see you tomorrow!

Happy Sunday! Once again I’ve recorded my Etude of the Week submission on the very last day of the week- here’s Donjon No. 3, Le Chant du Vent:

This set of etudes is new to me, but with each one I play I like them more and more. I’d love to put a few of these on a recital some day! This one, however, caused me more trouble with practicing and recording than the previous two. I’ve been lucky so far in my playing career that I haven’t had any significant trouble with my hands and arms, but something about this particular etude was causing me to feel a lot of tension in my hands. Maybe more Ab Major scales and arpeggios are in my future so I can figure out where I’m going wrong!

See you tomorrow when I go back to the Moyse etudes!

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