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Once again, I’ve submitted my Etude of the Week video just before the deadline. I’ll be honest, this one did not get a lot of practice time this week. It’s a lot of fun so I’ll probably revisit it eventually and try to clean up all the leaps- tons of cracked notes in this one! This is why you do a good warm up and not procrastinate on your etude videos, friends.

Back to Moyse tomorrow, have a great week!

Another quick post today- I only had time for one take before lessons today, so there are a couple things I would probably do differently next time. This etude is great for working on consistent articulations throughout each variation, and the bigger leaps provide lots of opportunities to make sure both hands are working together.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you soon for another Etude of the Week video!

Welcome to C minor! So far, this has been my favorite etude of this book. It’s pretty and fun to play, and it’s really nice for working on keeping a beautiful connected sound throughout the faster parts. There are a couple spots where I notice my right pinky isn’t moving as evenly as I’d like, so I’ll definitely keep revisiting that issue as I keep working.

See you tomorrow!

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